Cuenta cosas super interesantes,como que ps4 tampoco esta potente mas que one,que one al principio era un quebradero de cabeza para ellos y que ahora a mejorado,que ahora esta invertido la cosa,que ahora one es como ps3 en la anterior generacion para hacer juegos,lo pondre en ingles y intentare sacar las frases importantes

Bolcato stated that, “It was clearly a bit more complicated to extract the maximum power from the Xbox One when you’re trying to do that. I think eSRAM is easy to use. The only problem is…Part of the problem is that it’s just a little bit too small to output 1080p within that size. It’s such a small size within there that we can’t do everything in 1080p with that little buffer of super-fast RAM.
“It means you have to do it in chunks or using tricks, tiling it and so on. It’s a bit like the reverse of the PS3. PS3 was harder to program for than the Xbox 360. Now it seems like everything has reversed but it doesn’t mean it’s far less powerful – it’s just a pain in the ass to start with. We are on fine ground now but the first few months were hell.”
“It means you have to do it in chunks or using tricks, tiling it and so on. It’s a bit like the reverse of the PS3. PS3 was harder to program for than the Xbox 360. Now it seems like everything has reversed but it doesn’t mean it’s far less powerful – it’s just a pain in the ass to start with. We are on fine ground now but the first few months were hell.”
Dicen que la esram es facil de usar pero Bolcato afirma. Parte del problema es que es un poco demasiado pequeño para 1080p de salida . Es un tamaño tan pequeño dentro de hay que no podemos hacer todo en 1080p con ese pequeño búfer de RAM súper rápido.

Will the process become easier over time as understanding of the hardware improves? “Definitely, yeah. They are releasing a new SDK that’s much faster and we will be comfortably running at 1080p on Xbox One. We were worried six months ago and we are not anymore, it’s got better and they are quite comparable machines. The Xbox One is a bit more multimedia, a bit more hub-centric so its a bit more complex. There’s stuff you can and can’t do because it’s a sort of multimedia hub. PS4 doesn’t have that. PS4 is just a games machine.”
The PS4 is thus more of a gaming machine in its core focus. “Yeah, I mean that’s probably why, well at least on paper, it’s a bit more powerful. But I think the Xbox One is gonna catch up. But definitely there’s this eSRAM. PS4 has 8GB and it’s almost as fast as eSRAM [bandwidth wise] but at the same time you can go a little bit further with it, because you don’t have this slower memory. That’s also why you don’t have that many games running in 1080p, because you have to make it smaller, for what you can fit into the eSRAM with the Xbox One.”
The PS4 is thus more of a gaming machine in its core focus. “Yeah, I mean that’s probably why, well at least on paper, it’s a bit more powerful. But I think the Xbox One is gonna catch up. But definitely there’s this eSRAM. PS4 has 8GB and it’s almost as fast as eSRAM [bandwidth wise] but at the same time you can go a little bit further with it, because you don’t have this slower memory. That’s also why you don’t have that many games running in 1080p, because you have to make it smaller, for what you can fit into the eSRAM with the Xbox One.”
¿El proceso de llegar a ser más fácil con el tiempo llegara con la mejora del hardware? "Definitivamente, sí. Ellos están lanzando un nuevo SDK que es mucho más rápido y estaremos con comodidad funcionando a 1080p en Xbox Uno. Nos preocupaba hace seis meses ,tiene mejor y son máquinas bastante comparables
. La Xbox Uno de ellos es un poco más multimedia, un poco más-hub centric así que es un poco más complejo.
Hay cosas que usted puede y no puede hacer, porque es una especie de centro multimedia. PS4 no tiene eso. PS4 es sólo una máquina de juegos. " El PS4 es, pues, más de una máquina de juego en su foco principal. " Sí, quiero decir que es probablemente por qué, bueno, al menos sobre el papel, que es un poco más potente. Pero creo que la Xbox Uno la va a alcanzar. Pero definitivamente hay esta eSRAM. PS4 tiene 8 GB y es casi tan rápido como eSRAM [ancho de banda inteligente], pero al mismo tiempo se puede ir un poco más allá con ella, porque usted no tiene esta memoria más lenta. Esa es la razón por la que usted no tiene que correr muchos juegos en 1080p, porque tienes que hacerlo más pequeño, por lo que puede caber en la eSRAM con la Xbox One ".
http://gamingbolt.com/xbox-ones-esram-t ... lion-games
Espero que mas o menos se entienda